I have just posted the following on Facebook. Many people have asked to be kept in touch by email, so we will send out a 'circular' over the weekend: You may be unsurprised to learn the Trimley Estate has employed a PR company to “sell” the idea of developing Innocence Farm. It is issuing invitations to stakeholders to discuss “issues the community feel need to be addressed as part of this planning process”. Needless to say, the Kirton and Trimley Community Action Group has not been invited. Because the proposed Trimley Estates (Trinity College) development is widely perceived as ‘unnecessary and perverse’ and because it has housing implications across the whole Felixstowe Peninsula, we feel we should organise people to attend the meeting, whether invited or not. If sufficient people are interested in showing up, we will investigate media interest also. Please email klg@innocence.uk.com if you feel you might be able to attend the meeting, to be held at the Felixstowe Ferry Golf Club, IP11 9RY on 27th November at 1.00 p.m.
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