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Essential Code of Practice we demand from our Council Representatives.

Democratic Alliance District Councillors will:


  1. Ensure all reasonable steps are taken to discover parishioner views on all issues of significance â€‹â€‹

  2. Set party-political and personal views aside and ensure their community’s view is the view represented 

  3. Always vote in a way that is consistent with the Ward’s view 

  4. Oppose any proposed change to the planning status of agricultural land, unless: 

    1. There is a demonstrable, evidence-based community need 

    2. There is a demonstrable social benefit  

    3. All ‘brownfield’ land alternatives throughout the Council’s District have been exhausted 

    4. Nearby District Councils have co-operated, rather than competed, to ensure there is no duplication of resources between councils (resulting in a total land allocation beyond the overall requirement).

    5. In circumstances where a need for more land is accepted, ensure the requirement is limited to the actual amount of land required, and confirm to their satisfaction the Council has not incremented the forecast. 

  5. Ensure valuable wildlife habitats are preserved, wherever possible 

  6. Ensure the pollution impact of any proposal on nearby schools and residences has been properly assessed. 

  7. Ensure the character of villages, hamlets and towns are preserved 

  8. Ensure specific communities are not being given an unfair housing allocation 

  9. Support affordable housing projects, including the use of pre-fabricated buildings 

  10. Resist the use of land for the development of second homes 

  11. Ensure developers are not permitted to back out of affordable housing commitments given at an earlier stage in the planning process 

  12. Enforce necessary infrastructure developments are actioned ahead of the start of any housing or commercial building project 

  13. Oppose any perceived attempt to ‘link’ villages and hamlets by way of a housing or industrial development 

  14. Vote against Council proposals, where the Council appears to have abandoned any one of the above principles 

  15. Support any other District Ward, as well as their own Ward, against Council proposals, where the Council appears to have abandoned any one of the above principles 

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