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Writer's picture: Becca AtherstoneBecca Atherstone

KATCAG Champions Meeting

We recently held the first KATCAG Champions meeting in Kirton Church Hall it was very well attended and we had some excellent suggestions from our Champions here is a summary of those and the agreed actions.


Suggestion - How to mobilise younger people – reach out to Suffolk University, attendees at courses which could extend to Activity/Sports Clubs

Action - We have appointed a member of the Steering Group to identify points of contact within as many ‘young person’ groups as we can think of. We will make contact with them during the next week / 10 days


Suggestion - Obtain ‘Charitable Status’

Action - We have looked at this again and are advised by our solicitor this would not be the right thing to do


Suggestion - Paul (Kirton) - Obtain funding via social media. Suggest bullet point approach re funding, need to quickly engage

Kevin (Kirton) – Investigate ‘crowd funding’ possibilities

Action - Done - An appeal at GoFundMe is to be launched later today or tomorrow


Suggestion - Jane (Kirton) – Make use of the ‘Triangle’ in Felixstowe to make public aware.

(A lady) - Use ‘Pop –Up’ office on Kirton Green – need to be visible every now and then.

Action - Becca has ordered 3 additional banners and we’re planning a transportable Gazebo with KATCAG banners on all 4 sides. We’re planning Saturday morning drop-in sessions throughout the area. Volunteers to help man it will be welcomed.


Suggestion - (Jane) Kirton - continue with foot-slogging, leafleting – need to be more visible/out there

(A lady) – Leafletting to advise those not on the internet what is going on. Believes there are many in Kirton who do not really know what is going on

(Liz – Trimley St Martin) – Produce a Newsletter, need for bullet points to maintain momentum of interest and what we are seeking to achieve. Need to be more visible. People do not want to read too much hence bullet points. Believes about a third of Trimley St Martin population are without a computer.

Action - Visibility and leafleting considered good, but personal contact better, where possible. Agreed the postcodes of KATCAG Champions will be mapped this week and 25 households allocated to each Champion with a view to making one-to-one contact. KATCAG will provide briefing notes and support materials. Champions to say if they can handle more.



Suggestion - (Becca) – Set up PO Box to receive contributions/communications for those without computer/not comfortable with on-line transactions

Action - Should be in place by this coming weekend


Suggestion - (Caroline - used to run internet business) – Insufficient communications from KATCAG with those who have expressed interest. Need more regular contact, updates, seeking funding. In her business it generally needed at least ‘7 touches’ before that person would ‘buy’

(A lady) – Prepare a newsletter, ask businesses to advertise – help with costs

Action - We have increased our ’bulk email’ facility from 3/month to 20/month and we identified a person who could be asked to attend our Steering Group meetings / write a weekly update letter. We will look further at how best to obtain greater support from local businesses


Suggestion - (Various) - Ask businesses such as Roselea Garden Centre, Goslings , possibly Sausage Shop, if they will display notices advising what is taking place and when.

Action - This particular suggestion generated a lot of interest but we haven’t yet worked out the best way of moving on it


Suggestion - Join forces with ‘Save Felixstowe’ (Fair Play For Felixstowe)

Action - Stephen Wrinch and Nigel Palmer communicate regularly and both groups have agreed to share the cost of a planning consultancy where areas of common interest are being considered. We support them totally, but can’t join with them formally because money raised by each group was for a specific purpose.


Suggestion - (A man) – Use Parish Magazine to circulate updates – Apparently Kirton & Falkenham Church Review is circulated to two thirds of the local residents

Action – This has been put in hand since the meeting


Suggestion - (A man) – enquired about the use of Twitter

Action - Ryan advises there has been no response via Twitter and to engage with people on Twitter, messages need to be extremely brief. This said, he is looking into how we can adapt to use this media as well

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